Malta Humanist Association trauert um ihren Präsidenten Ramon Casha

Artikel auf "" vom 22.01.2017:
In a statement, the Malta Humanist Association paid tribute to its founder.Ramon was more than just a fellow humanist, chairperson of our organisation for several years, and a friend. He was also a generous philanthropist, a committed social activist, an invaluable contributor to informed public debate, a tireless champion of secularism, and a voice of reason who will be sorely missed.
Few have done more than Ramon to further the cause of secularism locally. One of the founding members of the association, he was a most energetic and committed contributor by far. As chairperson (and earlier as deputy chairperson) he worked towards the creation of an Ethics Programme in the National Curriculum, and to establish a humanist celebrant service – the first initiative of its kind in Malta. Ramon himself celebrated the first humanist ceremony, a wedding.
"Ramon also actively supported the introduction of divorce, same-sex unions and emergency contraception, long before such views became mainstream. Often he was the lone voice of reason in a cacophony of extremism on the subject of female reproductive rights. He also provided valid contribution in the local discussion on LGBTQI equality, an area where Malta now ranks first in Europe.
His courage and energy in helping to transform this country into a better place was not in vain.
Ramon’s loss is the loss of a valued voice in the Maltese free-thinking community, among who he was highly respected for his honesty and intellectual integrity. These qualities were also recognized by individuals who disagreed with him."
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FVS - Präsident Andreas Kyriacou zum Tod von Ramon Casha:
Die Malta Humanist Association hat heute ihren Präsidenten Ramon Casha verloren. Er verstarb an den Spätfolgen eines Motorradunfalls.
Die Maltesischen Humanisten verlieren mit Ramon einen herzlichen und überaus engagierten Mitstreiter. Unermüdlich hatte er sich für das Recht auf Abtreibung, das Recht auf die Pille danach, für die Legalisierung von Suizidbeihilfe und vieles mehr eingesetzt.
Ramon gehörte auch zu den Hauptorganisatoren der gemeinsamen Konferenz der International Humanist and Ethical Union - IHEU, der European Humanist Federation und der Malta Humanist Association im vergangenen Mai.
Wir wünschen seiner Familie, seinen Freunden und seinen Mitstreitern viel Kraft.