25th April, Zürich: Talk by Anne Shephard on her interviews with jihadists from Belgium, France, and elsewhere
Anne Speckhard is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. and is the Director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism.
Since 2002, she has collected more than four hundred interviews with terrorists and their friends, family members and hostages in Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Russia, Chechnya, Belarus, Canada, the United States, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
Anne Speckhard will talk about these interviews and attempts to provide testimonies of disillusioned foreign fighters and defectors in order to prevent others from taking the same route.
Monday, 25th April, 7pm. Zürich University, main building (Rämistrasse 71), lecture hall KOL-F-118. Free entrance.